Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What do you do when some of your lemmings come home? Throw out a wider net for the others!

If there is one thing nail junkies have in common, it's a Lemming List. Look at me: I'm a micro glitter fan. Maybe it's because I have no talent for smoothing out those glitter bombs, no matter how much those sparkles appeal to me. Love those jellies and the way you can see into the depths. It reminds me of a cruise I was on in the Caribbean and how you could actually see the ocean floor 20, 25, maybe more feet below the boat that ferried us from the Norway to St. John, St. Maarten, and St. Thomas. 

With more mongoose than citizens, it was like a little patch of green floating in breezes with the slightest hint of icy blue and bottle green when seen from far away.  Think of an indie with that shimmering base and touches of green! Irridescent blue with maybe a shimmer of  clearest green and, perhaps, matte glitters to mimic the greens of jungle canopy, rough bark of palms, and the occasional glimpse of a mongoose -- taupe would be right. For my sake and the sake of gracious living, leave out the dusty land crabs and bristling tarantulas. Maybe I should consider a hint of holos.

Now, where was I? Ah, yes! Lemmings. Shouldn't every nail blog start with that very foundation? So, here it is:


HAREs - (I KNOW there are more out there!)


Emily de Molly -

Blue-Eyed Freak
Regal Beginnings
A Certain Shade of Green
Split Personality
No Love Lost
Violet Days
Volvanic Sparks
Shattered Sapphire
Dark Depths

Essie -- (Doesn't everyone try...)

Starry, Starry Night 

Butter London -

Jellies Twee, Chuffed, Stroppy


The Man With The Golden Gun

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